How to fill out the online application.
LTS has provided instruction through out the application for your convenience.
- You need the member ID number before you can start filling out the application.
- Once submitted a copy will go to Landlord Tenant Services and the person you applied with.
- Fill out the application completely with phone numbers and any requested information to ensure a quick turnaround time.
- Provide current and previous employment information with phone numbers. Put n/a in areas with asterick that are not amicable.
- Provide current and previous landlord information with phone numbers.
- Each person will be required to fill out an application.
- Payment is due at the time the application is submitted by credit, debit card, or PayPal.
- Make sure you sign the application. LTS cannot process the application without written consent signed by you.
- Make sure the rental amount is on the application.
LTS Criteria
- LTS will not process any application(s) without a photo ID and social security card.
- Must be at least 18 years old.
- Provide valid drivers license or ID card, and social security card. Upload it or make a copy and email it.
- No evictions.
- You need at least three times the rental amount per month (gross).
- Reasonable credit.
- Most students will need a co-signer.